Writers Don’t Let Writers Write Alone, featuring Deborah Siegel

Write-Minded is the product of two writing communities coming together to support a podcast for writers about writing—and Deborah Siegel, one of She Writes’ founders, speaks to the power of community and why writers don’t let writers write alone. This episode, the final one in the NaNoWriMo line-up, celebrates community, and Grant, Brooke, and Deborah talk about why writing is better, more productive, and more rewarding when it’s not a solitary pursuit.
Deborah Siegel, PhD is the author of two books and a pair of boy/girl twins, and the founder of the public platform consultancy, Girl Meets Voice Inc. She’s also co-founder of SheWrites.com, Senior Facilitator with The OpEd Project, and a Visiting Scholar in Gender and Sexuality Studies at Northwestern University. Her writing has appeared in venues including The Washington Post, The Guardian, CNN.com, and many others. She has been featured on The Today Show, at TEDx, and in the New York Times. She is currently working on a series of essays about the way we raise girls and boys. Visit her at deborahsiegelphd.com and girlmeetsvoice.com, and on Twitter @girlmeetsvoice.
*This episode is dedicated to Sarah Coglianese.
NaNo Writing Action: Create a Gratitude List
Take stock of your gratitudes! Record at least three gratitudes about your writing practice this week. Use #NaNoWriMo18 and let us and everyone know one thing you’re grateful for surrounding your writing—even if you’re grateful for something that’s challenged you, or made you bang your head against the wall a few times, as NaNoWriMo is wont to do sometimes.
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