Social Media — Love It or Hate It, featuring Amy Ferris

Brooke and Grant share how they wrangle with social media—and why it’s a friend and a foe. Their guest, Amy Ferris, shares how she’s grown her Facebook following to capacity, garnering hundreds of comments and shares with each post. Since social media is a cornerstone to an author’s platform, writers pretty much have to dive in. This episode will either inspire you to better harness its power or at least make you feel better if you’re as ambivalent about the whole thing as your Write-minded hosts are.
Amy Ferris is an author, editor, screenwriter & playwright. Her memoir, Marrying George Clooney, Confessions From A Midlife Crisis, was adapted into an Off-Broadway play. She has written for both TV and film. She’s contributed to numerous anthologies and magazines. She is the editor of two anthologies, Dancing at The Shame Prom and SHADES OF BLUE. Amy serves on the advisory board of the Women’s Media Center, the Board of Directors at Peters Valley School of Craft, and co-founded The Milford Readers and Writers Festival. Amy was recently named and awarded one of Women’s eNews 2018 21 LEADERS FOR THE 21ST CENTURY. She is currently writing the book for the play/musical #MeToo the Musical. You can read her blog at: Since Amy can no longer accept new friends on Facebook, having reached the maximum number of friends allowed, you can find her on Twitter @amyferris.
Writing Action: Create a Theme List
Feel like you don’t know what to write about on social media? Here’s an easy exercise to point you in the right direction. Identify at least three themes in the current project you’re working on. If you’re writing self-help or issue-driven memoir, this will be an easy thing to do. For fiction, you might have to dig a little deeper. Consider the story you’re writing. What are the messages you want to share? What’s your what? Once you identify your three themes, brainstorm five potential blog posts you might write. Brooke shares specific examples in the Write-minded “Social Media” podcast. You can rinse and repeat this exercise any time, and the best part about it is that if you write those blog posts, you can generally repurpose a single post into ten or so social media posts.
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