NaNo Prep: Insider Secrets from NaNoWriMo’s Founder , featuring Chris Baty

In this episode, NaNoWriMo Founder and record-holder for the most NaNoWriMo’s ever completed, Chris Baty, joins Grant and Brooke to talk about NaNoWriMo’s origin story and how setting the bar really low is part of the point of doing NaNo in the first place. This inspiring episode will help listeners considering doing NaNoWriMo this year get over any anxieties they might be harboring. With less than a month to go, Write-Minded is getting in the mindset to get words on the page.
Chris Baty accidentally founded National Novel Writing Month in 1999, and oversaw the event’s growth from 21 friends to more than 300,000 writers in 90 countries. Chris now serves as a Board Member Emeritus for NaNoWriMo, and spends his days teaching classes at Stanford University’s Writer’s Studio, helping Dropbox with word-wrangling, and endlessly revising his own novels. He’s the author of No Plot? No Problem! and the co-author of Ready, Set, Novel. His quest for the perfect cup of coffee is ongoing, and will likely kill him someday.
NaNo Prep Action: Challenge Yourself to Word Sprints
Word sprints are a big activity for NaNoWriMo to help people keep banging out words on the page. This weeks action is to do a week of word sprints. Take your main character, for example, and spend 10 minutes writing as quickly as you can about him or her. Don’t worry about punctuation or logic. Try to not even take your pen off the page or your fingers off the keyboard. Do 10 minutes a day for a week and explore other characters in your novel, your setting, anything. Just fill the pages with words to explore your story before you sit down to write it in November.
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