Orna Ross

This Week’s #WriteMindedPodcast guest, Orna Ross, is the queen of self-publishing. An award-winning and bestselling indie novelist and poet, she’s also the founder-director of the Alliance of Independent Authors (ALLi), the global nonprofit association for self-publishing authors. Tune in to today’s episode to gain a wealth of indie publishing wisdom through the lens of self-publishing. If you’ve ever been curious about a future as an indie author, or wondered if you should try self-publishing even if you have traditional publishing dreams, this episode is for you!


Orna Ross is an award-winning and bestselling independent author. She writes novels, poems and non-fiction for other indie authors and creative entrepreneurs. A creative facilitator and advocate for self-publishing and digital micro-business for creatives, she is Founder-Director of the Alliance of Independent Authors and has repeatedly been named “one of the 100 most influential people in publishing” (The Bookseller).

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