Genre-Blending and Bending, featuring Barbara Graham
We’re having fun this holiday week talking about genre-blending and bending, and why it’s fun and freeing, but also often problematic from an industry standpoint when stories are not easily categorized. Join Brooke and Grant this week in their conversation with Barbara Graham, a long-time nonfiction writer who breaks the mold with her debut novel, and shares about how intuitive her process was, and how and why she was compelled to write the story that became her book, What Jonah Knew.
Barbara Graham is an author, essayist, journalist, and playwright. Her work has appeared in Glamour, O, Utne Reader, Vogue,, and many others. She is the author of the New York Times bestseller Eye of My Heart, the national bestseller Women Who Run with the Poodles, and Camp Paradox, a memoir. Her plays have been produced Off-Broadway and at theaters around the country. For more about Barbara Graham and her writing, visit
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