S. Bear Bergman

In this episode, we bring a guest whose story is intimately tied to Brooke’s personal journey out of traditional publishing. S. Bear Bergman shares with our listeners his own experience of the marginalization and “othering” he experienced as he worked to bring his experiences as a trans man to the page—and how and when he reached his “peak f-it moment,” prompting him to strike out on his own and found the publishing company, Flamingo Rampant, which publishes feminist, culturally-diverse children’s picture books celebrating LGBT2Q+ kids and families.


S. Bear Bergman is an author, storyteller, educator and the founder and publisher of children’s book publisher Flamingo Rampant. He writes creative non-fiction for grown-ups, fiction for children, resolutely factual features for various publications, the advice column “Asking Bear,” and is the co-editor (along with Kate Bornstein) of Gender Outlaws: The Next Generation.

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