NaNo Prep: Coaxing the “Magical Cookies” Out of Your Story, featuring Susan Dennard

Oct 22, 2018

Susan Dennard

Join Brooke and Grant in conversation with Susan Dennard, who believes that if we’re not at least looking for that which inspires us about our writing, we might want to make a better effort to find it, or change directions. In this episode Susan shares her evolution from pantser to planner, and how she goes about planning and prepping, especially now that she writes series. Join us for this helpful conversation that’s part of our month-long get-ready-for-NaNoWriMo series.


Susan Dennard is the author of the Something Strange and Deadly series as well as the New York Times bestselling Witchlands series, and when not writing, she’s usually slaying darkspawn (on her Xbox) or earning bruises at the dojo.

She lives in the Midwestern US with her French husband, two spoiled dogs, and two grouchy cats. Check out her blog and find her on Twitter @stdennard.

NaNo Prep Action: Find Your Own "Magical Cookies"

Spend some time reflecting on the “magical cookie” of your idea (which you’ll learn about when you listen to this episode). What intrigues you about your idea? What do you want to find out? What do you want to experience? There’s an old writing maxim that says, “Don’t write what you know. Write what you want to know.” Reflect on this and think about the mystery you want to uncover in your story, or simply what’s drawing you in.

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