Writing with Raw Honesty about Family, featuring Rebecca Carroll

May 1, 2023

Rebecca Carroll

When it comes to writing about family, in memoir or fiction, writers must consider the ramifications. To write honestly, writers must know what’s at stake, and be ready. This week’s guest, Rebecca Carroll, shares with Write-minded her own experience with family fallout, and subjects ranging from her readership, to her literary heroine Toni Morrison, to her thoughts on trans-racial adoption. There’s a lot to unpack this week, from a guest who sets the gold standard for radical honesty on the page.


Rebecca Carroll is a writer, cultural critic, and podcast host, as well as the creator and curator of the live event and audio series, In Love & Struggle. Her writing has been published in the New York Times, The Atlantic, Essence, Glamour, and The Guardian. She’s the author of several interview-based books about race in America, and of the recent, critically-acclaimed memoir, Surviving the White Gaze.

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